The Systems team will be responsible for creating all Service Accounts and adhering to the naming policy.
Going forward the following (general) structure should be used for naming and creating Service Accounts:
svc_ APP_FUNCTION_(T,Q,P)_(dev,dba,psa,sys)
All service accounts begin with “svc” (lowercase), short for “service”.
Followed by: “_”
Followed by (uppercase): The three-character server application abbreviation.
The name or the abbreviation of the name of the applicable application should come from the “Naming-addressing-standards” document. The Service Account name should not exceed 20 characters (SAMaccount/NT4 max char.).
Followed by: “_”
Followed by (uppercase): The three/four-character account function abbreviation.
Followed by: “_”
Followed by (uppercase): “T”, “Q”, or “P” for apps developed in house, domain sql use and for 3rd party apps. For Systems-based service accounts this variable will be replaced with the service type. Uppercase.
Followed by: “_”
Followed by (lowercase): ”dev”,”dba”,”psa”,or “sys”
For applications developed in house, “dev” short for accounts used by Open System. For domain SQL, “dba”. For 3rd party apps, “psa” short for Prod Support Apps. For Systems, “sys”.