Transfer Employee Request


Use this form to request updating of a transferring employee from one department to another and ensure they have the right access to the software programs and account permissions necessary to perform their job duties.

Who can submit this request?

  • Transferring Employee's new Department head
  • Transferring Employee's new Supervisors
  • Transferring Employee's new Departmental designee

How we process your request

Typical resolution time:

2-3 business days


After you submit your request, IT will:

  • Review the request
  • Update the transferring employee account
  • Grant access to all requested applications
  • Send a closeout notification upon resolution

Before you submit a ticket, you will need to:

  • Verify the transferring employee's name, title, department, supervisor, building, and location
  • Conduct an inventory of hardware already at the transferring employee's workstation and make note of any hardware they will still need (i.e. Laptop/Desktop/Tablet, Desk Phone, etc.)
  • Determine if the transferring employee requires an Microsoft 365 email only account or a Full Microsoft 365 account (i.e. local installations of Microsoft Office apps)
  • Determine what software systems they need access to and what type of access or permissions they need on those systems (i.e. Adobe Pro, Munis, Accela, etc.)