How to Reset Your Password in Pasco365


This document will help those who need to reset their County password. This procedure can be followed without the assistance from an IT technician and can be completed at any time.

All the files that are necessary can be found in within the “New Setup” folder in the Share Drive. The path for these files will be placed at the beginning of each appropriate section.


  1. Go to and click on the word here bellow the sign-in button.Uploaded Image
  1. Enter your email address in the first field.
  2. Enter the characters pictured in the second field.
  3. Hit next.

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  1. Select a method of verification.
    1. We recommend that you use the Approve a notification on my authenticator app for the first verification step.

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  1. Click Send Notification and then approve your request on Microsoft Authenticator.
    1. You may be asked to enter a two-digit number on your computer within the application, or by entering the code generated by your fob.Uploaded Image
  1. Once you are done verifying yourself, you will be asked to set up a second means to verify yourself.
    1. We recommend that you select Text or call my mobile phone.
  2. If you wish to have the system, call your office phone. This will impact your ability to reset your password if you are at a remote location.
    1. *Note* Account recovery does not expose your device to risk under Sunshine State Law.Uploaded Image
  1. Enter the information requested based on your
    verification selection and select Text or Call.
  2. Enter the verification code that was given to you via text or call, then select Next.Uploaded Image
  1. Enter your new password in the first field and confirm it in the second field.
  2. Select Finish.Uploaded Image
  1. Once complete you will receive this message.
  2. Go back to in the address bar of your browser and press enter.
  3. Log in with your email and new password.

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Congratulations your password has been reset!

If you have any issues, please contact the IT Service Desk at 352-518-4020 or Ext.4020